Bible Classes

Bible Hour - For Children

Bible hour for children meets on Sunday mornings at 10:50 a.m., following the worship service. The Children’s Bible Hour utilizes the WELS Christ-Light Bible lesson curriculum ( Children’s Bible Hour does break for the summer. Children’s Bible Hour begins meeting after Labor Day Weekend and breaks for the summer on the Sunday before Memorial Day weekend.


Bible Hour - For Adults

Bible hour for adults meets on Sunday mornings at 10:50 a.m., following the worship service.  Adults alternate between studying books of the Bible and studying a specific topic. Adult Bible Hour does not break for the summer.


Thursday Morning Bible Class

We also offer a Thursday morning Bible class which meets at 10:00 a.m. The focus of this class is to study each book of the Bible. Prayer time follows this Bible study. During this time, the group offers intercessory prayers based on the prayer requests we have received. Both the Sunday morning and Thursday morning classes begin meeting after Labor Day and break for summer the Sunday before Memorial Day.


Women’s Bible Study

The women of the congregation are invited to gather for Bible study on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month in the church fellowship hall, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. This Bible study alternates between topical studies and books of the Bible.


Youth Confirmation

The purpose of the youth confirmation Bible class is to prepare baptized youth of our congregation to receive the Lord’s Supper as the blessing God intended ( 1 Corinthians 11:23-30) and as an expression of unity of belief (1 Corinthians 10:17). This is a 2 year class, typically for 7th and 8th grade students (with some exceptions) that meets once a week (Mondays 7-8:30 p.m.). The class begins in the fall—the first Monday after the Labor Day weekend. The class breaks for the summer sometime in April. Confirmation examination for second year students is held during adult Bible hour at the end of April. The purpose of the public examination is two-fold. First of all, it demonstrates to the congregation that the confirmands have studied the main teachings of the Bible and are ready to receive the Lord’s Supper as a blessing. Secondly, it provides the congregation an opportunity to review the main teachings of the Bible. The Confirmation Service, in which our confirmands are officially received by the congregation as communicant members and receive their first communion is generally the first Sunday in May.  The course of study is the Bible as it is topically organized in Luther’s Small Catechism. The six main units of the Catechism are: The Ten Commandments, The Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, The Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, and The Use of the Keys and Confession.


Bible Information Class

Our pastor teaches a 16 lesson course covering the basic teachings of the Bible. It is a good place to start for people who are unfamiliar with Scripture. It is also a great Biblical refresher course for people who want to review the Bible's teachings. This course outlines God’s answers to the great questions we have about life:

                   Where did I come from?

                   Why am I here?

                   Where am I going?

This is a one hour class. There are opportunities for discussion, but no one is required to participate or read Bible passages out loud. Questions are encouraged. Attending the class does not mean that you are committing to join Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. However, this class is the class to take if you are considering becoming a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

The topics of the lessons are as follows:

                   Christ's Resurrection - The Foundational Fact for Faith

                   Jesus' Unique Message - Salvation Is Free!

                   Jesus' Unique Person - The Wonderful Reason Why He Could Save Us!

                   The Risen Lord Bestows Life with God                            

                   Faith - A Wonderful Gift from God

                   The Bible - A Most Wonderful Book

                   Baptism - A Wonderful Gift of the Risen Savior

                   The Lord's Supper

                   The Wonderful God Behind These Wonderful Actions

                   Our Response to God's Grace - A God-Centered Life

                   A Christian Spends Private Time with the Lord

                   Christians are to be Careful with Whom They Identify Themselves

                   Christians Are to Publicly Praise the Lord

                   The Christian and Family Life

                   The Christian and Society

                   The Christian and Money

Our pastor offers this course whenever people are interested. He holds this class for groups and individuals in the fellowship hall. He also teaches this class in people’s homes.